Our chicks have been growing into beautiful independent little ladies. They are all getting beautiful feathers and there combs are starting to grow. A couple of them well, maybe a little too much. Two days ago, I decided that it looked as if we may have two roosters in the bunch. And this morning confirmed that for at least one of them, when we were awakened by a terrible noise. Allie our puppy jumped up to see what the matter was. Especially if the racket was coming from "her chicks". I snuck in to see and found Gertrude "Gertie" the bossy white bantam trying to cock-a-doodle-doo. So I thought this morning would be a good time to formally introduce you to our chicks and couple of guys.
The Bantams:
Meet Gertie ~ Mr. Gertie to you all.

Henny Penny ~ she is the smallest and the most timid

Blake Jr. (Blake named her, I disagreed with this guy name) and just so turned out Blake Jr. is a guy after all!

Slippy is this pretty little girls name.
Named for her quick speed the day we got her.

And now for our regular chickens.
Buffy the Egg Layer (well not yet, but she will)

And the Michelle Twins ~ named after Our First Lady
These gals are lighting fast, and I am sure I have entertained a few neighbors while I chased them under the porch and through the potato patch and back behind the lilac bush. It is a little game they play, that makes me crazy!

And here is the clan out in their new digs Dad built. With the whole buying a house and getting ours listed to sell, the chicken coop is on hold for now. Luckily most of their run is done and the chasing game is getting old. SO now they are transported via cardboard box from the "coop" dog cage to their fancy yard for some grass, sun, bugs and stretching out.

I have enjoyed this chick break, and now back to painting and packing.
Hope to have many more exciting posts as our life changes to more of what we have dreamed about.
Happy Dreaming! ~Jill