Biggest Boy Birthday ~ Happy 20th to my young man! |
Things started with ~ The List.
The I am almost 40 years old, Who Am I List.
The what are the things I want To Do With My Life List.
Things on the list included: slowwwwing down, raising chickens, raise bees again, grow food and garden, cook more, bake bread, learn how to really sew, hang clothes out on a line, maybe start my own business, make soap, in general just learn more, and of course in there was ~ write a blog.
I wanted to have a place to go and leave my images and thoughts for the day.
I never really planned it out, I didn't have a "mission statement", I just wanted to do it for me!
I knew that I didn't want it to become something that stressed me out, I didn't want to worry that I have not posted something in awhile, or what would people think.
It was for me, and about me and my new journey ~ about the simple things that make my life happy.
the newest chicks |
somethings a buzz |
a baker's dozen |
the start of something |
So, as I look back. I can not believe for a moment that this journey has been a whole year already. My life looks and feels so very different from that one year ago. I am so very much living out all of those plans, thoughts, and dreams. Thank you for stopping by and taking a peek. Things around here will keep a changing. After all, that is what life is all about.
pieces and parts to complete 2 beehives |
big n' lil |
Spent the day yesterday thinking about just what fabulous things I could share on here today, after all it is ~ Berry Good Life Farm Girl's 1 year anniversary. And then my husband comes home and says we have to go look at something. Who would have thought it would me the cherry on top!
Saved the best for last ~ the old farm truck. My honey got us the perfect old truck last night. Aint she a beauty. 1967 Chevy with original miles 78269. She has been in the same family for almost 40 years. Just dreaming about driving her to the farmers market with the back full of fresh produce. And our farm's name painted on her side. This is a berry good life!
the ONLY option when new ~ an AM radio |
old original wood floor bed |
she has character |
meet our 1962 Chevrolet 3/4 ton farm truck!! |