Rooster Hill Farm ~ Fults, IL
(Just a little south of Waterloo)
Drive down this country lane to find a great little country shop in an old barn filled with great country items. Then add a gorgeous country setting, beautiful weather and great food! We enjoyed some iced tea while we sat outside eating lunch and even splurged on some dessert. The owner was very sweet and gave us some input on our berry farm. She is interested in selling our honey and shared some contacts with us.

Fort de Chartres ~ Prairie Du Rocher
Boys LOVE forts!
The fort was started in 1753, however much of this has been rebuilt since by the State of Illinois on the original stone foundations. The powder magazine is the oldest surviving non-Indian structure in the entire Midwest.

Of course, I loved the garden of the old days.

~ Ye Cutting of Ye Olde Cedar Trees ~
Since we found our property, we knew we wanted this row of 5 cedars along the drive to be removed to open up our view of the fields. It is the perfect place for a perennial flower bed.

So to get started Jeff was removing lower branches and burning them. The boys job was to haul them around the house.

Is that a live chainsaw in my boys hands??
Ohh yes, Jeff felt confident Josh could NOT start it, so after letting him try for over 5 minutes, he started his countdown to stop: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4" rrrRrRRR R (that was a chainsaw sound) with under 5 seconds left to try, he actually started it! So now what? Well let them cut a piece a wood, of course! I am a mother of boys, and I wanted a country life for them. May the adventures begin . . .

Sunday's Adventures
Tractor Pull at the Monroe County Fairgrounds
Antique tractors, homemade ice cream cranked by an old John Deere, and watching lawn tractors pulling, makes for a full day in the sun.

Another gorgeous Illinois Sunset

*** Happy 4th of July America! ***
I hope you and your family had as great of a weekend as we did.
Picnic dinner in Valmeyer watching the fireworks display.

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