Included in these "donations", are inherited things. The excitement of having some of my Grandmother's things passed down to me is a wonderful feeling.
For instance, I always remembered her using her mixing bowls. And being a lover of all things autumnal, these scream " FALL" to me. And I love them!

Also, in my pile of goodies are two mixing bowls. Aren't they just so neat.

And last but not least, the MOST adorable deviled egg platter with chicken salt and pepper shakers from my Mom's Grandmother (my Great Grandma). Can't wait to use this with eggs from my own hens.
After purging someone else's stuff, which is relatively easy, I now look upon my house, my basement in particular with great despair. For if we truly want to move, this basement needs to be purged, organized and cleaned. And the thought of someone else telling me what should go, makes me cringe, for example my loving husband (whom 2% of the basement is his junk and 98% is mine). So for now, I guess I must put on those work boots and get the shovel, time to spring clean my house. Hope you enjoy the sunshine and feel lighter for all the hard work spring cleaning has to offer.
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